Aaron Baxter (Skipper)

Aaron Baxter

Lead Skipper

Who is Aaron?

Aaron Baxter is the Lead Skipper and founder of the Beacon of Hope Sailing Project. Aaron has always had an interest in anything he can take apart and put back together and an appetite for daring adventures.

As a qualified marine engineer and self-confessed adrenaline nut, he is always searching for interesting new projects to captivate his need for speed, danger, and engineering.

Aaron & Sailing

The hobby Aaron is most passionate about is, without a doubt, sailing. For him it is more than a hobby; it is an escape and an outlet.

Aaron came to the water quite late aged 13, he started out kayaking before progressing onto dinghy sailing to later take charge of larger sailing yachts.

Since Aaron turned to sailing he has never looked back and has now made it his life goal to change the lives of others.

When questioned about the round the world event Aaron said:

"For me although it will be a great life achievement, it is the hope and joy that the event will bring to both our crew and everyone we will go on to help over the years that makes everything worthwhile"

How did Aaron come up with the idea?

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What made Aaron set up the Beacon of Hope Sailing Project?

Aaron decided to act on the idea when he went through life changing neuro-surgery to save his life.

In early 2020 Aaron visited the hospital after experiencing severe headaches. A major bleed and a septic cyst were discovered on his brain, a revelation which profoundly stunned both Aaron and the consultants.

His life was declared to be in imminent danger, and Aaron was given 48 hours to live. Following emergency surgery, Aaron spent 5 weeks in hospital and endured a lengthy recovery process.

This brush with death motivated him to pursue his sailing ambitions and share the benefits of his passion with others.

"I may have been through a life changing situation and may also have a two and a half inch square hole in my skull, but it hasn't slowed me down at all. In fact, it has driven me to push harder and achieve my goals, pushing boundaries and setting new ones"

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